Drug price hikes can damage company reputations, White House says amid EpiPen furor

EpiPen epinephrine auto-injector

There’s growing outrage in the U.S. over dramatic price increases for EpiPen, a life-saving medication. (Mark Zaleski/Associated Press)

The White House on Wednesday said pharmaceutical firms risked damaging their reputations with big price hikes, but it sidestepped commenting directly on Mylan NV’s decision to raise the price of its severe allergy treatment drug EpiPen.
“I’m obviously not going to make specific comments to  specifically second guess the pricing strategy … of one private enterprise,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said at a news briefing.

“I will observe, however, that pharmaceutical companies that often try to portray themselves as the inventors of life-saving 
medication often do real damage to their reputation by being greedy and jacking up prices,” he said.