Easy Food Swaps That’ll Help You Banish Bloat for Good

Blackberries contain polyols, which are incompletely absorbed by your gut. Strawberries are low in polyols, so you’ll get that tart berry bliss (and dose of vitamin C) without the sickening symptoms. (Reset the way you eat—and lose weight—with Women’s Health’s The Body Clock Diet!)

RELATED: 9 De-Bloating Tips, Ranked in Order of Effectiveness

carbs that dont cause bloatingIllustration by Sarah C. Rutherford

Cashews house galacto-oligosaccharides, which our bodies don’t have the enzymes to easily break down. Pecans lack the problematic carb, so you won’t pay the price for your nut fix. 

carbs that dont cause bloatingIllustration by Sarah C. Rutherford

The fructans in wheat aren’t readily digested. Rice crackers are fructan-free—meaning you’ll be fart-free. 

This article was originally published in the September 2016 issue of Women’s Health, on newsstands now.