Evidence for the effects of neonicotinoids used in arable crop production on non-target organisms and concentrations of residues in relevant matrices: a systematic map protocol

Article screening and study inclusion criteria

All articles retrieved by the searches will be assessed at three successive levels (title, abstract and full text) against study inclusion criteria to ensure article relevancy. A subset of 10 % of the total results retrieved by the searches will be checked against the inclusion criteria at title and abstract level by two independent reviewers and a kappa test used to determine agreement, with a score of 0.6 or above indicating substantial agreement. Any disagreements will be discussed and any definitions that require clarifying will be adjusted accordingly. Reviewers involved in this review that are also authors of relevant articles will not be included in the decisions connected to inclusion and critical appraisal of these articles.

Endnote files for articles excluded at title and abstract stage will be supplied in an Additional file. A list of excluded studies at full text and reasons for exclusion will also be recorded in an Additional file.

Due to the complexity of this systematic map study, inclusion criteria have been developed for each separate sub-question.

Arable crops are defined here as: potatoes, maize, wheat, oats, barley, oilseed rape, turnip, swede, kale, sugar beet, peas, field beans, sunflowers, alfalfa, turnip rape, mustard, fodder beet, triticale, linseed, rye, cotton, sorghum, soybean (vegetables other than field beans and peas will be excluded for example, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, carrots, hops, artichoke, celeriac, pumpkin, squash, courgette). Any studies not relating to arable systems, for example: horticulture, ornamentals, turf, forestry/agro-forestry, tree nursery and paddy systems, veterinary medicine, urban pest control will be excluded. Following Köppen–Geiger climate classification zones [62] we will include studies from the whole of the United States of America, Canada, Europe and New Zealand and regions climate zones Bsk, Csa, Cfa, Cfb, Cfc, Csb, Csc, Dfa, Dfb, Dfc. These crops and zones were chosen because they are of particular relevance to the current debate on NNIs.

Non-target organisms are defined as any animal, fungi or plant (including crops, weeds, succeeding crops, field margin flora) that are not crop pests (e.g. aphids or wireworms etc.). Non-target organisms will only be included if they are relevant arable cropping systems and within the regions described above.

Sub-question 1: What is the available evidence for the effects on non-target organisms of imidacloprid, clothianidin, thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, thiacloprid, and dinotefuran used in arable crop production?

Relevant population Non-target organisms.

Relevant types of exposure Studies that investigate the effect on non-target organisms from the direct or indirect exposure of at least one of the following NNIs: imidacloprid, clothianidin, thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, thiacloprid or dinotefuran. Studies captured that investigate the impact of metabolites of these named NNIs on non-target organisms will also be included.

Relevant types of comparator No exposure or alternative non-NNI insecticide. Before exposure.

Relevant study designs Before and after studies (BA), before and after control impacts studies (BACI), randomised controlled trials (RCTs), Randomised split block design, exposure versus no exposure/control impacts (CI), correlative.

Relevant types of outcome Any acute, chronic, lethal, sub-lethal effects on non-target organisms from exposure to the named NNIs above. We will exclude studies that report insecticide resistance or efficacy of neonicotinoids for controlling crop pests.

Sub-question 2: What is the available evidence for the occurrence of concentrations of imidacloprid, clothianidin, thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, thiacloprid and dinotefuran in matrices of relevance to non-target organisms in arable crop production systems?

Relevant population Any matrix relevant to non-target organism associated with arable farming systems. Matrices may include: the non-target animal (e.g. bee, earthworm, bird etc.), plant material (e.g. leaves, pollen, nectar, guttation fluid, NNI treated-seed), dust, soil, water, bee products (e.g. comb, wax, propolis, beebread, honey). Concentrations of NNIs in target pest species will only be included where the aim of the study is to examine the impact on non-target organisms from ingestion of these pests (e.g. ladybirds predating on aphids). Where concentrations of NNIs are recorded in soils or water (e.g. puddles, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, groundwater, territorial and coastal waters, surface water) these must be clearly associated with NNI inputs from arable systems.

Relevant outcomes Concentrations of authorised use of imidacloprid, clothianidin, thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, thiacloprid and dinotefuran (i.e. as seed treatment or foliar spray) applied as plant protection to arable crops, in matrices of relevance to non-target-organisms. Studies captured that investigate the metabolites of the above NNIs will also be included.

Relevant type of study Any primary research field or mesocosm (i.e. tunnel tests, cages in fields) study.

Relevant study designs Before and after studies (BA), before and after control impacts studies (BACI), randomised controlled trials (RCTs), randomised split block design trial, exposure versus no exposure/control impacts (CI).

Studies that do not address the primary question but that may help put the collated evidence into context regards the current debate on NNIs (e.g. methods to mitigate the impacts of NNIs on non-target organisms or the potential economic and environmental consequences of a ban on use of NNIs) will be recorded in a separate library to help inform conclusions.