Exactly How To Peel An Orange Without Creating A Giant Mess

Oranges have so much going for them—they’re high in vitamin C, they’re delicious, they’re cheap. But anyone who has eaten an orange knows that they are notoriously messy. Whether you find yourself desperately clawing at the peel to get it off, accidentally spraying yourself in the eye as you try to section your orange, or just getting citris-y residue all over your hands, preparing an orange is no picnic. It’s like they don’t want to be eaten. 

RELATED: 5 Foods With More Vitamin C Than An Orange

Enter Emily Hankey, Whole Foods Produce Butcher. In the video above, she shares her trick for how to peel and section an orange without getting your hands dirty. All you need is a knife (she uses an eight-inch chef’s knife) and a steady hand. Here’s her step-by-step: