Grannies are to blame for obesity, Chinese study claims

  • Children who live closer to their grandparents are more likely to be chubby
  • Those in the care of their elder relatives are more likely to be over-fed by them
  • Researchers conducted the study in Guangzhou, a southern China province
  • Culturally in China, a fat child is seen as a symbol of healthiness and success 

Cheyenne Roundtree For


There may finally be proof that grandparents spoil children rotten. 

A new Chinese study claims that children who live closer to their grandparents are more likely to be obese.

The researchers said this was because there were fewer opportunities for family members to dote on the children by over-feeding them.

A new Chinese study claims that children who live closer to their grandparents are more likely to be obese than those who live further away

A new Chinese study claims that children who live closer to their grandparents are more likely to be obese than those who live further away

A new Chinese study claims that children who live closer to their grandparents are more likely to be obese than those who live further away

Conducted by the University of Birmingham in England, researchers examined the region of Guangzhou, in southern China to compile their data. 

Culturally, a chubby child is seen as a symbol of health, prosperity and success in China.

Grandparents are often tasked with looking after the younger generation in rural communities. 

The combination of these factors lead young ones in the care of elders more likely to be overweight than those who live further away from grandparents.

Around 15 percent (or 30.43 million) of Chinese children and teens are overweight or obese, according to the study. 

Dr Bai Li, from the University of Birmingham, said: ‘Childhood obesity is a global public health crisis – particularly in China, yet the health of children who migrate with their parents to major Chinese cities has rarely been explored.

‘It is clear that an important step towards preventing the rise of obesity in migrant children is understanding the perceptions of parents, grandparents and teachers on the causes of childhood obesity.’


In low-income families in America, there is a higher chance of obesity.

According to the Population Reference Bureau, there is a direct correlation to socioeconomic status and obesity.

Nearly 37 percent of adults are obese and 17 percent of children.

Adult blacks have the highest percentage of obesity at 48 percent. They are followed by Hispanics at 42.5 percent. 

Hispanic children are the most likely to be obese at 22 percent followed by black children at 20 percent.

Both blacks and Hispanics are among the poorest racial groups in the county.

African-Americans have a poverty rate of 24 percent and Hispanics have a poverty rate of 21 percent. 

Researchers have found those with lower incomes typically buy cheaper food with a long shelf-life.

These foods have higher rates of calories, fats and sugars, which contribute to obesity risks.  

The Chinese study looked at migrant children who moved away from their rural-area family members to a more urban setting. 

Researchers said the country was seeing a large-scale migration of families moving to cities for economic reasons.

These migrant children are still at risk of becoming overweight due to lack of parental supervision and eating unhealthy food.

Experts have investigated the link between income and obesity in both adults and children.

Findings from 2014 support British researchers who have long ago warned that youngsters from less affluent and educated households would find themselves caught in the obesity trap.

In the last decade the problem has started to decline in those from middle class backgrounds while continuing to rise among those from poorer families.

Harvard researchers said that low-income families are less likely to own a car which means they are prone to buying processed foods that are higher in fat and sugar with a long shelf-life.  

In the United States, 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese, according to the CDC.

The center also reported the prevalence of obesity was higher among Hispanics at around 22 percent, followed by blacks at almost 20 percent, then whites at nearly 15 percent. 

The proportion of obese Asian children was drastically lower in America than in China at 8.6 percent. 

In addition to the several risk factors obesity can lead to, researchers said children who were struggling with their weight could be bullied at school.

The British Psychological Society found in 2010 that obese children were the most likely to struggle with low social status among their peers.

A recent study by Ohio State University in Columbus showed children who have a consistent bedtime routine and limited screen time had a lower risk of being obese.   

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