Gwyneth Paltrow Opens Up About Divorce, Calls Conscious Uncoupling "Dorky"

From Redbook

Gwyneth Paltrow has given us so many things: Shakespeare In Love, Goop…and the infamous term “conscious uncoupling,” which became a part of the vernacular following her 2014 divorce from Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin. But the star, who says she didn’t even coin the phrase (she claims her Goop editorial director did), just admitted the term is “dorky” in a new interview with Net-a-Porter’s The EDIT.

“People are coming around. I know it’s a dorky term, but it’s very worthwhile,” Paltrow said. “I’m always the person who gets s-t at first, but then later people say, ‘Hey, maybe that’s a good idea.’ I don’t mind.”

Silly phrases aside, Paltrow also opened up about her divorce and relationship with her ex-husband, who she remains on good terms with.

“I wanted to turn my divorce into a positive,” Paltrow, 44, explained. “What if I didn’t blame the other person for anything, and held myself 100 percent accountable? What if I checked my own s-t at the door and put my children first? And reminded myself about the things about my ex-husband that I love, and fostered the friendship? What I put myself through to get there was the most difficult things I’ve ever done in my life.”

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She’s kind of got a point about the whole conscious uncoupling thing, though – clearly, it’s worked for her and Martin. The two, who were married for 10 years, aren’t just co-parenting, they’re friendly enough that he was even on hand to help her celebrate Mother’s Day with their two kids, Apple, 13, and Moses, 11, just a few weeks ago.

And those kids know they’re not just lucky to have two parents who can handle being around each post-divorce, they’re pretty #blessed in all areas. “They know their lives are extraordinary,” Paltrow told The EDIT. “They can handle it.”

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