Hay fever survival guide

6am: Put Vaseline under your nose

Pollen levels are known to be at their highest in the morning and peak at midday. Vaseline, or another petroleum jelly, can help to trap pollen, Women’s Health reports.

9am: Wash your hands

Washing your hands is something you should do all day long as it helps to flush away any build-up of pollen on your hands.

12:30pm: Don’t go outside for lunch

Staying indoors will prevent your immune system reacting to pollen, thus stopping the release of histamine and other chemicals.

1pm: Eat hay fever fighting foods with your lunch

Cassandra Barns, a nutrition and health writer, claims eating vitamin C can help ease sinus congestion. 

4pm: Apply eye drops or nasal spray

According to Asthma UK, pollen counts are higher in the late afternoon and early evening.

6pm: Wash your hair when you get home from work

Dr Steve Iley, medical director at Bupa UK, told Women’s Health that pollen can congregate in hair. 

8pm: Steer clear of booze

Dr Iley said: ‘I’d recommend staying away from alcohol on a warm summer’s night, as this can actually make the symptoms worse.

‘This is because alcohol is a sensitiser and contains histamine, which can activate or strengthen the allergic response.’

10:30pm: Take a hay fever tablet

Taking a tablet to control hay fever before you sleep could help you combat your symptoms and lead to a good night’s kip.

11pm: Close all your windows

Keeping the windows shut will prevent any pollen from reaching you indoors – stopping you from having any symptoms.