Here’s What You Could Buy Instead Of All That Extra Guac At Chipotle

When you go to Chipotle, you always have the option to add pretty much whatever you want onto your plate—and that’s one of the reasons why it’s so freaking awesome. But add-ons like extra guacamole can be pricey, especially if you do it on the regular. 

You may not have even realized it, but adding extra guac to your burrito, burrito bowl, tacos, or salad costs an additional $1.95. If you have Chipotle twice a week, and splurge on extra guac each time, that adds up to just over $200 extra a year. Yup—$200 just on guacamole. (We tried making guac using Chipotle’s recipe—find out what happened.)

Don’t get us wrong, guacamole is amazing, but that’s a lot of money to blow annually on the savory green stuff. Here are just a few things that you could buy with that cash instead: