How To Get A Great Butt Without Doing A Single Squat

There’s a reason high intensity interval training (HIIT) has become more popular than practically any other exercise (including Zumba!): “HIIT routines build muscle and burn fat in significantly less time than longer, more moderate workouts,” says Yuri Feito, Ph.D., MPH, assistant professor of exercise science at Kennesaw State University. In fact, they’re so quick and effective that in the time it normally takes to brew or buy coffee, you can sneak in a calorie-torching routine. Plus, if you listen to the right music, you’ll work out even harder, finds research in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise. That means you’ll boost oxygen to your brain, which in turn, will help you feel more alert. (According to the American College of Sports Medicine, more oxygen is consumed during a HIIT workout than a noninterval training session.)

We’ve got nothing against coffee (it has proven benefits) but if you’re looking for a natural pick-me-up, try this energizing routine set to heart-pumping music, designed by Rachel Buschert Vaziralli, a master trainer at Equinox gyms in New York City. Start with this 2-minute, total-body warm up to loosen up your muscles and joints:

1. Jog in place (30 seconds)
2. Do squats (30 seconds)
3. Do jumping jacks (30 seconds)
4. Do knee push-ups (30 seconds)