Mom Gets Real About ‘Ooey Gooey Mess’ Of Her Postpartum Body

“I am beyond proud of what my body has endured and accomplished in the last 10 years!” Craig wrote in the caption, noting that while her body may not perfectly conform to society’s ideal of “sexy,” she refuses to let that alter her outlook. 

“My body has grown and housed 4 human beings ? 3 of them being over 9 lbs, and somehow delivered them into this world,” the mom explained, honoring the two sons and two daughters she gave birth to between 2006 and 2013. “It’s even provided food to nourish them and help them grow,” she added.

“Minus a few rips and tears, hernias, hemorrhoids and stretch marks, my body has done the most miraculous things!” Craig continued. “And I have a man that thinks I’m sexier now then I’ve ever been! Don’t be ashamed if your body doesn’t look like the next, it never will! God made you uniquely you, and every BODY is beautiful!”

Craig told The Huffington Post she was inspired to post the intimate photo after observing the range of comments about body image on motherhood, birth and fitness-related social media pages. 

“I just felt I needed to make it very clear that no matter what your body looks like or your race, size, religion, hair color, pant size, or clothing brand, that every body is beautiful and ESPECIALLY mothers!” she said.