‘My Unexpected Pregnancy Was The Best Thing To Ever Happen To Me’

“When I found out I was pregnant at 25, my boyfriend and I had only been dating six months and I was on a combination birth control pill. I was pretty on top of taking it, and I can’t remember missing one around the time of conception, so the pregnancy was a huge shock. But it felt right from the beginning.

“My pregnancy and birth were transformative and overwhelming and showed me that I’m capable of making it through anything. During the pregnancy, I realized I couldn’t continue my career as a home organizer with a baby and I needed to find a new path. 

“After going through an unmedicated hospital birth, I decided I wanted to learn as much as I could about the process, teach it, and write about it. And that’s what led to the career I have now. I’m a childbirth preparation educator, birth doula, and HypnoMothering practitioner, and I just recently published a book: Feng Shui Mommy: Creating Balance and Harmony for Blissful Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood. And my partner and I got engaged last summer and were married this month.” —Bailey Gaddis, 29, YourSereneLife.com

See what these moms have to say about how their daughters changed their lives: