Protecting Our Children

Just as we teach the names of our elbow and nose, my children also know the correct names of their genitals. And just like I don’t giggle when they point to their kneecap curiously asking what it, – the same is true when my son asks about the “eggs” under his penis and what they are called. Our goal is to create normality around our bodies, regardless of which part it is. We don’t shame in any shape or form when our kids explore their body; we remind them that’s something private to do and they are welcome to use the bathroom or their rooms to do so. It’s your body. And I’m very upfront with this – I can’t tell you the number of people I know that call their body parts by different names – who the hell calls a vulva a “ducky?” So don’t. Please don’t. It’s not healthy body practices that your children can’t name their penis, testicles, vagina or vulva. Practically as well, if you want to get all stats like, pedophiles are more likely to target children that don’t know the correct name of their body parts. Why? Because it’s a small sign that these children haven’t been taught the correct language which means they are less likely to discuss it with their parents. So teach them the damn names.