Score a Sculpted Booty with These 4 Easy Mini-Band Moves

Your glutes are the biggest muscle group in your body. They also happen to be one of the laziest. It’s not completely their fault: While they have a ton of responsibilities—hip extension, hip abduction, internal and external rotation of the hips—unfortunately, when we force them to be stuck in a seat for hours upon hours every day, they start to pick up some bad habits. Like, not actually engaging when we want them to. Not only does that mean we’re missing out on a huge metabolic advantage during our workouts (because remember, they’re our biggest muscle group, and the more muscle activation in a workout, the more calories burned), but weak glutes can also contribute to chronic low back pain, knee issues, and other injuries.

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So if you want sculpt a firmer, rounder butt, lose weight, run faster, or jump higher, you need to work on your glute activation. One of the best tools you can invest in for that job is a mini-band. They’re just a few bucks, and you can find them almost anywhere (I personally like these from Perform Better.) Not to mention they take up next to no room at all, so you can bring them literally anywhere. And, they work hard to boost the output of your booty in every workout. (Torch fat, get fit, and look great with Women’s Health’s All in 18 DVD!)