SECRETS OF AN A-LIST BODY: How to get the forearms of Elizabeth McGovern 

SECRETS OF AN A-LIST BODY: This week, how to get the forearms of Downton Abbey star Elizabeth McGovern

Elizabeth McGovern showed off her toned forearms on the red carpet recently. 

The Downton Abbey star, 57, practises yoga to stay in shape and walks in parks near her West London home.

Elizabeth McGovern showed off her toned forearms on the red carpet recently (pictured at The Chaperone Australian premiere in Sydney yesterday) Elizabeth McGovern showed off her toned forearms on the red carpet recently (pictured at The Chaperone Australian premiere in Sydney yesterday)

Elizabeth McGovern showed off her toned forearms on the red carpet recently (pictured at The Chaperone Australian premiere in Sydney yesterday)

The Downton Abbey star, 57, practises yoga to stay in shape and walks in parks near her West London home (pictured at The Chaperone New York premiere at the Museum of Modern Art last month) The Downton Abbey star, 57, practises yoga to stay in shape and walks in parks near her West London home (pictured at The Chaperone New York premiere at the Museum of Modern Art last month)

The Downton Abbey star, 57, practises yoga to stay in shape and walks in parks near her West London home (pictured at The Chaperone New York premiere at the Museum of Modern Art last month)


The downward dog yoga move. 

Start on all fours. Position your hips over your knees and your shoulders over your wrists. Then ‘walk’ your hands a few inches in front of your shoulders. 

Curl your toes under, lift your hips, and straighten your legs so your bottom rises upwards. 

Push your palms into the floor and your arms straight to elevate your pelvis. Draw in the front of your rib cage and press your legs back. 

Extend your heels away from your toes and pull them toward the floor. 

Relax your shoulders, head and neck. Stay here for four to five long, deep breaths.

McGovern is pictured attending the premiere of The Chaperone at the Linwood Dunn Theater in Los Angeles last week McGovern is pictured attending the premiere of The Chaperone at the Linwood Dunn Theater in Los Angeles last week

McGovern is pictured attending the premiere of The Chaperone at the Linwood Dunn Theater in Los Angeles last week

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