The 6 Best Yoga Poses To Do If You’re Bloated

This article was written by Maggie Finn Ryan and provided by our partners at Prevention.

Feel like a puffer fish? Maybe you overindulged in the cheese plate or forgot to hydrate while traveling—regardless of the cause, we could all use a little help beating the bloat from time to time. Just 10 to 15 minutes of practicing yoga can relieve your digestive discomfort. This simple 6-move sequence has a combination of twists, core work, and forward folds that will wring out your intestines and increase blood flow to the bowels.

Move slowly through this routine, lingering in each pose. If possible, do this sequence a few hours after your last meal of the day to avoid causing any additional stomach upset. (Looking for more ways to live a happy, healthy life? Order Prevention—and get a FREE Yoga DVD when you subscribe today.)