The Definitive Guide to Becoming a Life Coach

You do not have to complete training to become a life coach and it is possible to set up business without it. This is a hotly debated topic, as I am sure you can imagine and it can leave the field of life coaching open to difficulties. Whatever you decide to do, it is important that you feel confident in your abilities to practice as a life coach and that you are acting with full integrity for you and your clients. If you don’t feel this way, whether you have had training or not, it is important to do whatever you need to do to feel competent before you practice. Obviously, one becomes more confident with experience but if you don’t feel fully equipped to begin with it is important to complete training to do so. Training and / or accreditation can give clients a sense of security when choosing a life coach, though this isn’t always the case. When you are deciding what to do, it is worth being aware of the pros and cons before you start.