The HEALTHIEST types of each fruit and vegetable revealed


Tomato varieties were judged on the number of phytonutrients they contain, which are super healthy chemicals produced by plants that help prevent many diseases.

Highest: Baby plum tomatoes

Lowest: Beefsteak tomatoes 


Citrus fruits were judged on the number of antioxidants they contain. 

Highest: Blood oranges

Lowest: Lemons and limes 


Apples were judged on the number of polyphenols they contain, which are chemicals produced by plants which are anti-bacterial and can also help fight disease. 

Highest: Braeburn

Lowest: Fuji 


Grapes were judged on the number of antioxidants they contain. 

Highest: Sable seedless (purple/black)

Lowest: Muscat (green) 


Onions were judged on the number of polyphenols they contain.

Highest: Red onions

Lowest: White onions 


Broccoli types were judged on the number of photonutrients they contain.

Highest: Beneforte broccoli

Lowest: Regular green broccoli 


Berries were judged on the number of anthocyanins they contain, which are cells that protect plants from ultra-violet rays and are believed to have health properties. 

Highest: Blackcurrants

Lowest: Strawberries


Salad leaf varieties were judged on the number of nutrients they contain.

Highest: Kale

Lowest: Iceberg lettuce 


Beans were judged on the number of polyphenols they contain.

Highest: Black beans

Lowest: Butter beans


Rice types were judged on its Glycaemic Index score, which tells you if a food raises blood sugar levels slowly, moderately or quickly.

Highest: Black rice

Lowest: Short-grain rice 


Cabbages were judges on the number of glucosinolates they contain, which are compounds found in certain vegetables and are thought to have cancer-fighting abilities.

Highest: Sprouts

Lowest: Cauliflower