The Surprising Thing He Wears That Makes You More Likely to Want Him

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OK, sure—the bulk of the people surveyed subscribe to Scentbird, so obviously they dig pleasing scents on some level, but the results are interesting considering how many women often complain about men who douse themselves in Drakkar Noir.

Researchers also found that nearly 60 percent of female respondents had walked up to a guy and commented on how good he smelled (hello, icebreaker idea).

But not all scents are created equal. Women tend to prefer guys who wear fresh, woody, and musky scents over spicy and citrusy notes, apparently. The vast majority of men said they prefer floral, fresh, and vanilla scents over fruity, citrusy, and spicy perfumes. Consensus: Lay off the lemon drop shots, boys and girls.

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One final interesting nugget: Nearly 70 percent of men said a woman who smells good is sexier than a woman who dresses well.

So…next time you really can’t be bothered to change out of your workout gear before you hit happy hour, just spritz yourself with some perfume. Or eat a vanilla cupcake.