These Are The 6 Best Remedies For Gas And Bloating

Picture this: Your tummy is protruding and painful, your favorite clothes don’t fit, and you might also be emitting embarrassing gas. It’s so bad, in fact, you may even be reluctant to leave the house.

Sound familiar? What we’re talking about is bloating, and it can be frustrating—and pretty hard to ignore.

RELATED: 9 De-Bloating Tricks, Ranked in Order of Effectiveness 

“Bloating is usually caused by a sensation of stretching or spasming of the gut,” says Jonathan Rosenberg, MD, a gastroenterologist at Illinois Gastroenterology Group. From your diet to stress, there are many different factors that can trigger it. You might be eating too fast (which leads to swallowing excess air), have a disorder like celiac disease, or have an intolerance to lactose or fructose. Constipation can also be a factor: When things move too slowly through your GI tract—or foods are broken down in the colon instead of the stomach—you end up with fermentation, which produces gas, says Rosenberg.

(Cool down and sip on these easy to make Simple Green Smoothies, available at the Women’s Health Boutique.

“If you run into a hard, puffy stomach quite often, it may be due to certain food intolerances,” says Taz Bhatia, MD, an integrative health expert and founder of CentreSpring MD. “I always recommend keeping a food journal in these cases. Being able to go back and see which foods seem to cause these types of symptoms can keep a bloated belly at bay.”

Anxious tummy? Try these yoga moves to de-stress and relax your stomach:

A food journal is great for the long term, but it’s nice to have options that can help you ease pain and deflate right now. Armed with our experts’ advice about what ingredients help beat the bloat, we rounded up 6 of the best products for battling bloating and gas—and they’re all available online (so there’s no need for an awkward trip to the drugstore).