Think Your New Guy’s Friends Kinda Suck? We Asked 3 Guys What You Should Do

Related: 6 Things You Should Never Do Before Sex

Paul Kita, senior editor: “KEEP AN OPEN MIND.”

“I don’t get it. You’re enjoying the entree you ordered, but you don’t care much for the sides? Sounds like you might be acting a little too picky. And really, have you even given the sides a chance?”

We asked men and women what they consider to be dealbreakers in a relationship. See what they had to say:

Michael Sneeden, senior video producer: “HANG IN THERE.”

“Don’t give up just yet. If you think he has potential to be ‘the one,’ isn’t it worth your time to try to find common ground with his buddies? And as a bonus, doing so would mean the world to your man. Trust me. (Add something extra to your sex life with the JimmyJane Form 8 vibe from the Women’s Health Boutique.)

Related: 7 Couples Therapists Share How They Know A Relationship Is Doomed


Your concerns are valid, and yes, there’s a chance he’s as lame as his friends. But if you like this guy, don’t write him off without giving his crew (and, therefore, him) a real shot. First step: finding a few interests you share.

This article originally appeared in the October 2017 issue of Women’s Health. For more great advice, pick up a copy of the issue on newsstands now!