This Woman Asked Reddit For Advice On How To Confront Her Cheating Husband

That’s what happened to a 26-year-old woman who discovered a sexual Snapchat from another woman on her husband’s phone. Shocked and upset (obviously), she turned to Reddit for some advice on how to handle the awful situation.

“I’ve been with my husband for five years, married for 1.5,” the poster wrote on Reddit. “I’ve never once doubted his fidelity.” When he downloaded Snapchat, she thought it was a little odd, as “he’s not big on social media.” But she didn’t think much of it until one morning, when she accidentally opened a very explicit, very-NSFW Snapchat on her husband’s phone. (Best line: “I was alert now after being awoken by a vulva.”) The snap was from a woman named “Roxy,” who was also her husband’s “best friend” on the social media app.

I [26f] opened my husband’s [32m] snapchat and it was a very explicit picture and caption from a girl. He’s sitting not 20 feet from me I don’t know how to handle this. from relationships

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Yep, we cringed when reading that, too. And some of us can probably relate: A whopping 81 percent of U.S. divorce attorneys say they have seen an increase in divorces citing social networking evidence during the past five years, according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML). While 66 percent of cases cite Facebook as the source of the evidence, Snapchat figures into the 14 percent of other sites where people have found evidence of cheating. (Note that this study was in 2010, so the numbers may have shifted.)

As the poster wondered how to confront her husband, she headed to her younger sister’s house to get her thoughts together. Through some serious Facebook-stalking, she finds “Roxy” is a secretary at her husband’s friend’s law firm.

So what’s a 12-weeks-pregnant wife to do? Turn to Reddit for advice, of course.

After posting her story, fellow redittors responded with a variety of suggestions, ranging from vital to hilarious:

Comment from discussion I [26f] opened my husband’s [32m] snapchat and it was a very explicit picture and caption from a girl. He’s sitting not 20 feet from me I don’t know how to handle this..

There was also plenty of outrage at the cheating husband—and amazement at her cool and collected response to think it over first before confronting him:

Watch men and women spill the honest truth about exactly what they think about cheating:

Several others sent condolences—and commiserations:

And the story doesn’t end there. The OP (original poster in Reddit-speak) posted an update a couple days later to explain what happened next. She says she confronted him, calmly, “telling him that he needs to explain to me who Roxy is and why she is his ‘best friend’ on Snapchat. His face gave him away immediately but he still tried to lie to me at first.” Even worse? He tried to blame her reaction on her pregnancy hormones. “How unoriginal and offensive,” the poster writes.

Finally, he broke down when she asked to see his Facebook messages, and confessed he’d been having an affair for months after meeting Roxy through his friend. While it may not be a “happy” ending, the OP seems to be in a relatively good place in her updates. “I was raised by a mother who always told me that you never accomplish anything with anger,” she says.

RELATED: ‘I Don’t Regret Cheating on My Partner– Here’s Why’

Not only was she able to stay relatively level-headed through the whole thing, but she also just happens to have an uncle who’s a divorce lawyer. “My uncle already assured me that if he was unfaithful, we would cream him in court,” she writes in the follow-up. She also thanks the Redditors for their “support and love”: “It feels great to be comforted and cheered on by you all. Thank you so much,” she writes. She even calls it “proof that love does exist, even if it doesn’t within my, now over, relationship.”

And the responses to this latest update were nothing short of supportive:

It’s a wild story, and certainly speaks to the incredible power of the internet—for both good and evil.