We Finally Found A Dry Shampoo That Doesn’t Leave A Chalky Film Behind

There’s no doubt that a good dry shampoo can be the number-one weapon in your beauty arsenal. But this staple often comes with a fatal flaw: the whitish gunk it leaves behind in your hair. What’s the deal—and how can you prevent it? 

The starches in a lot of dry shampoos are great at sopping up oil, but they can leave their grubby little footprints all over your roots. It’s no biggie for blondes, but for brunettes, it’s the worst. Try Ouai Dry Shampoo Foam ($28, theouai.com). It’s super stealth: It goes on wet like a mousse, drys in minutes, and uses the invisible silica mineral diatomaceous earth (best name ever, right?) to mop away oil.