We Had Our Sex Dreams Analyzed by an Expert—and It Got Deep

Ever wake up mid-snooze feeling guilty about a sex dream that involved someone other than your S.O.? Feel free to admit it openly now, without an ounce of remorse, because it happens to just about everyone, says Kelly Sullivan Walden, author of The Love, Sex, and Relationship Dream Dictionary: Your Guide to Interpreting 1,000 Common Dreams and Symbols About Your Romantic Life.

But what about those really random (like, kinky random) dreams that leave you wondering if someone slipped mushrooms in your bedtime tea? Yeah, we wanted some insight into those.

Through anonymous entries (because we’re professionals here at Womens Health!), we ponied up our wildest, weirdest dreams for Walden to analyze. Check ’em out to see if you can relate to any, because hey, #freetherapy.