We Have Some Issues with Trump’s Advice for Dealing with Sexual Harassment

So, here’s the thing…We’re pretty sure that most women can’t afford to just up and quit their jobs, let alone find another career if they’re dealing with such deplorable work conditions. Not only that, but Donald is squarely placing the blame on the victims, suggesting that if a woman is sexually harassed, it’s her own problem.

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It’s also worth pointing out that if you’re in a high-powered role, like former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson, who is suing Ailes for sexual harassment, you often have to sign a non-compete clause, which means you can’t just go and work for a competitor. The end result: You’d be out of work and up a creek, all because some sexist a-hole decided to target you.

Donald Trump’s views on the Ailes sexual harassment case aren’t just ignorant—they’re terrifying.