What Causes Seasonal Affective Disorder During The Summer Months…


In my previous article, I discussed factors that can contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder during the summer months. They included disruptions in schedules and body image issues. This article will expand on the causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder during the summer months and describe some more factors that contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder. They include financial issues, as well as the heat.

Financial Issues

One contributing factor to Seasonal Affective Disorder during the summer months is financial issues. According to huffingtonpost, “Summers can be expensive. There’s the vacation, of course. And if you’re a working parent, you may have to fork over a lot of money to summer camps or babysitters to keep your kids occupied while you’re on the job. The expenses can add to a feeling of summer depression.” With that said, your kids are out of school during the summer months. This can lead to spending money on vacations with your family, as well as spending money on summer camps or babysitters. Especially for parents who may work during the summer, this can be extremely frustrating and can lead to depression.

The Heat

In addition to financial issues contributing to Seasonal Affective Disorder during the summer months, another contributing factor of Seasonal Affective Disorder during the summer months is the heat. According to huffingtonpost, ” Lots of people relish the sweltering heat. They love baking on a beach all day. But for the people who don’t, summer heat can become truly oppressive. You may start spending every weekend hiding out in your air-conditioned bedroom, watching pay-per-view until your eyes ache. You may begin to skip your usual before-dinner walks because of the humidity. You may rely on unhealthy takeout because it’s just too stifling to cook. Any of these things can contribute to summer depression.” In other words, during the summer months, the heat index can rise above 100 degrees in some areas. This can be extremely tiresome and lead to depression, due to staying in doors and becoming bored quite easily.


To conclude this article, various factors can contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder during the summer months, including financial worries, in addition to the heat. However, there is still hope. Do not let financial worries and the heat discourage you and your family from enjoying the summer months. Try balancing your money, putting some of your money in the bank and using the rest of your money for spending purposes. Try spending some of your time outdoors and the rest inside, so you are balancing your time wisely.