White House: No, Donald Trump, Vets With PTSD Are Not Weak

WASHINGTON ? The White House collectively sighed Monday before responding to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s suggestion that veterans who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder are weak.

“It is not a sign of weakness to get help,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in his daily briefing. “In fact, it’s a sign of character and a sign of strength to ensure that you’re taking care of yourself.”

Earnest’s comments came hours after Trump, who dodged the military draft five times, suggested veterans with PTSD are not “strong” and “can’t handle it.”

“When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can’t handle it,” Trump said during a QA with the Retired American Warriors PAC.

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