Women share their no-nonsense  weight-loss secrets on Reddit

Losing weight is an issue that affects most people at some stage of their life.  

It can feel like, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get rid of those extra couple of pounds.

However, while many people struggle to lose weight, there are also numerous success stories about those who have managed to shed the pounds fase.

Women have responded to a Reddit thread to reveal the secrets behind their own weight lost stories.

Several women from all around the world took to a Reddit thread to reveal the stories behinf how they lost 40lbs or more Several women from all around the world took to a Reddit thread to reveal the stories behinf how they lost 40lbs or more

Several women from all around the world took to a Reddit thread to reveal the stories behinf how they lost 40lbs or more

The women, from all over the world, shared how they lost 40lbs (2st 12lbs) or more and the time it took them to lose it.

From counting calories to cutting out unhealthy food, the women revealed the steps they took to shed the pounds. 

One woman, who said she is 27 years old, revealed how she lost 80lbs (5st 10lbs) after moving to the city and leaving a troubled relationship.

She said: ‘I left my neglectful fiance that said on multiple occasions that he wouldn’t find me attractive if I lost weight and would leave me. Then I moved to the city and started walking everywhere instead of taking the bus or a Lyft. 

A lot of the women who commented said that their diet was a key reason for their weight drop. Pictured are some of the accounts from women who changed their diets A lot of the women who commented said that their diet was a key reason for their weight drop. Pictured are some of the accounts from women who changed their diets

A lot of the women who commented said that their diet was a key reason for their weight drop. Pictured are some of the accounts from women who changed their diets

‘Then I stopped eating processed, frozen, and boxed meals (no more ramen, no more sugary cereals, no more mac and cheese), and started making fresh foods every day.

‘I haven’t really worked out, its been mainly my change in diet.’

Another woman said: ‘I’ve just hit the 80lb (5st 10lbs) mark after 19 months or so. I drank too much soda so I completely cut it out and really limited how much fast food I ate.

‘I tried not to take too much on and overwhelm myself with losing weight and it seems to be working.’

A third woman commented: ‘Almost 100lbs (7st 2lbs. About a year for the first 80, then just maintained, had some kids, and knocked off the last bit 10 years after I started.

‘Originally I cut out fast food and pop, then started to get more active, and eventually really cracked down on portions and calories in vs calories out.’

Dieting and calories counting seemed to be a common theme among several women on the thread. One woman said that fat loss is a numbers game (pictured), while others talked about willpower and lifestyle changes being important Dieting and calories counting seemed to be a common theme among several women on the thread. One woman said that fat loss is a numbers game (pictured), while others talked about willpower and lifestyle changes being important

Dieting and calories counting seemed to be a common theme among several women on the thread. One woman said that fat loss is a numbers game (pictured), while others talked about willpower and lifestyle changes being important

Several woman pointed to calorie counting as being a key reason for their weight loss.

Most seemed in agreement that diet was more of a factor in their weight loss than exercise. 

One woman said: ‘I went from 185 (13st 3lbs) to 120 (8st 8lbs) in about a year and have kept it all off for the past 15 years.

‘100% lifestyle change. I educated myself about food, calories, and nutrition and changed my habits accordingly. I also started working out regularly.

‘I also had some cosmetic surgery to take care of loose skin, and now I do amateur female bodybuilding. Right now, I avoid refined carbs and sugars and that has been great for my overall energy levels.’

This woman revealed how she followed a keto diet and shed a significant amount of weight. She proceeded to break down just how the keto diet helped her to get back in shape This woman revealed how she followed a keto diet and shed a significant amount of weight. She proceeded to break down just how the keto diet helped her to get back in shape

This woman revealed how she followed a keto diet and shed a significant amount of weight. She proceeded to break down just how the keto diet helped her to get back in shape

Another woman shared the story behind her mother’s weight loss and said that willpower is the most important thing. 

She said: ‘My mum lost a lot of weight (over half her original weight, she was a large lady). She did it by cutting down portions, eating healthier food, not snacking, and going to the gym. 

‘Most important is willpower! She’d tried so many times to lose weight before but her heart wasn’t in it, this time around she had a health scare that really pushed her to lose it and it worked. It took her around a year and a half but she lost a lot of weight and is in her fifties.’

Some stories of weight loss were more tragic and these women talked about the illnesses and disorders that lead to them shedding several pounds quickly, with one of them revealing the impact of cancer Some stories of weight loss were more tragic and these women talked about the illnesses and disorders that lead to them shedding several pounds quickly, with one of them revealing the impact of cancer

Some stories of weight loss were more tragic and these women talked about the illnesses and disorders that lead to them shedding several pounds quickly, with one of them revealing the impact of cancer

Some women spoke about specific diets or regimes that they followed in order to achieve the weight loss.

One woman said: ‘What finally worked for me was keto. A friend of mine from college lost a ton of weight doing it. I went from 225 (16st 1lb)  to 180 (12st 12 lbs) over the course of about six months. My goal weight was 170 (12st 2 lbs), but after I hit 180 (12st 12 lbs) I got a new job and moved and my discipline kind of disappeared for a while. I went back and forth for about a year of trying to re-start and then falling off the wagon, and gained back about 20lbs (1st 6lbs).

‘I re-committed at the beginning of this year, and went from 200 (14st 4lbs) to 160 (11st 6lbs) in six months.’

Other women had less of a positive story to share and revealed the disorders and illnesses that contributed to their weight loss.   

One said: ‘Cancer, 3 months. I do not recommend, but I’m healthy now, very grateful, and committed to honoring the gift in the midst of my new reality.’ 

Another commented: ‘Mine isn’t something very positive, but I started out exercising and dieting normally at 18, and it quickly spiralled into an full-blown eating disorder. I dropped about 140 lbs (10 stone) in nine months (not to be morbid but I’m really, really surprised to still be here), and eventually went from 263 lbs (18 st 11 lbs) to roughly 100 lbs (7st 2lbs). 

‘It was horrible, ruined my life in more ways than one, and I wished it had never happened.