You’ve GOT to See Jessie Graff Become the Most Badass Woman in ‘American Ninja Warrior’ History

According to USA Today, Jessie has worked as a stuntwoman on Supergirl, where she specializes in bridge, building, and roof stunts. Not at all hard to believe when you watch her master this-can’t-actually-be-real moves like “The Jumping Spider” and “The Warp Wall.”

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To stay in such killer shape, Jessie thinks pretty outside of the box when it comes to her fitness routine. According to an interview with USA Today, Jessie started honing her obstacle course skills at the age of 6, when she started taking circus classes and killing it on the flying trapeze. After that, the real-life superhero did competitive gymnastics and pole-vaulting throughout high school and college, and earned black belts in taekwondo and kung fu. After blowing out her knee, she told USA Today she started to focus more on upper body and grip strength. (Train like a ninja warrior with Women’s Health’s Ignite routine by Next Fitness Star Nikki Metzger!) 

RELATED: Do This Intense Yoga Workout for Seriously Ripped Abs

Jessie will be returning to NBC on September 12 to compete in the next phase of the competition. Until then, watch her full history making run below:

Naturally, people are freaking out about her jaw-dropping performance:

Consider this your gym-spiration for the next few weeks (or, you know, forever).