10 Reasons Why You Should Masturbate When You’re in a Relationship

This article was written by Ronnie Koenig and provided by our partners at Prevention.

You might think of masturbation as something that you only do when you’re single, but regular self-love sessions can have a seriously positive impact on the health of your marriage or relationship. According to Sadie Allison, Ph.D., founder of TickleKitty.com and author of Tickle Your Fancy—A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Self-Pleasure, studies show that women who masturbate regularly have more fulfilling orgasms and can orgasm more easily with a partner.

And it’s not just about the big O: Masturbating can improve your happiness and confidence, as well as lower your stress levels—all things that boost the health of a relationship. So close the curtains, lock the bedroom door, break out your favorite vibrator (or just get hands-on), and be prepared to reap loads of relationship benefits. (Looking to take back control of your health? Prevention has smart answers—get 2 FREE gifts when you subscribe today.)

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