10 Thoughts Introverts Have About Parties

1. “I need an in-depth explanation of the plan.”

“I need as many details about the event as possible. If it’s something with total strangers, I can usually talk my way through it because it’s all shallow pleasantries (although I’ll still need a nap later and probably won’t leave the house for days afterwards). If it’s a big family event, I know the conversation will be deeper and more prodding, so I plan an exit just in case. After that I’ll need a drink, a nap and a week of radio silence. I love people — just, you know, one at a time and with fair warning.” — Courtney Mattocks Vrablik

2. “How far is it from now?”

“I must have notice for social gatherings. I can’t just get a call and head over to someone’s house.” — Stephanie Dawn Elizabeth

3. “Will someone I know be attending?”

“I usually try and find one person that I can talk to all night if I have to be there all night. If not, I leave after I’ve had my fill.” — Tamara Bielema

4. “Will there be a dog?”

“I’ll try to find someone I feel really comfortable with. And at less formal event, if there’s a dog around, I’ll be patting it and plotting my stealthy escape.” — Martin Hay

“I also hope there will be pets. Pets are awesome and don’t judge.” — Stephanie Norell

5. “Just smile and nod.”

“I actually have to tell myself to focus on what other people are saying in social situations because my thoughts are always elsewhere. I also tend to stick with people I know very well to avoid small talk!” — Anya Kelman

6. “I’m being really quiet.”

“I often think ‘How long is it going to take before someone makes a comment about how quiet I am?’” — Danielle Elisabeth Deshaies

7. “I need some alone time.”

“I’ll find a large-ish group that I can sit with and listen to, or maybe one close friend I can talk with. After a while I need to go off on my own, though. And I can never go out two nights in a row. I need a day to process everything.” — Amy Self Porterfield

“I may take a few bathroom breaks throughout the event or take a quick walk outside for some air and a recharge. Introverts are not afraid to mingle or let loose and have fun, they simply don’t want to do it all the time.” — Crystal Lynn

8. “When can I leave?”

“I’ll stay as long as I feel comfortable. The moment I find that I’m getting exhausted by the socializing and just want to ‘escape,’ I do. Thankfully, my friends appreciate the person I am and know that me leaving has nothing to do with them or not enjoying myself.” — Toni White

9. “I need an exit strategy.”

“I tell my husband, on the way to the event or before arriving, I have to leave at a certain time [so] I have a reason ready for my exit.” — Rebecca Duvall

“I used to feel uncomfortable about leaving when I was younger, but at this point, I know myself, and I’m not going to force myself to stay in a situation where I feel bad.” — Charlene Templeman

10. “Ahhh, finally free.”

“I reward myself by going home to a pot of tea, Netflix and comfy clothes. Getting away from all of the noise and back into my own territory is the best part of the night.” — Angela Francescini

A little downtime? Now that’s a party.

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