12 Foods Your Vagina Wants You to Eat

A healthy vagina is home to plenty of lactobacillus, a type of good bacteria that helps your tissues maintain a healthy pH level, says DeLucia. It’s also home to yeast like candida. Normally, the acidity from the lactobacillus keeps the yeast from growing out of control. But the good bugs can take a hit from things like antibiotic use, menopause, unmanaged diabetes, or even using birth control or hormonal therapy. And when that happens, you’re at higher risk for developing a yeast infection.

Thankfully, regularly eating probiotic-rich foods like plain yogurt, sauerkraut, or kimchi, tempeh, and miso can make a difference. “Probiotics help maintain the healthy balance of bacteria to promote a good pH to promote the healthy growth of lactobacillus,” DeLucia says.   

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