12 Time Management Tips Successful People Live By

While we’d all like to fancy ourselves amazing multi-taskers, that’s not always the case. With so much to do and so little time, it’s a wonder we even find time to eat. But this lack of time shouldn’t get in the way of success. 

 So when it comes to time management, how do the most successful people in the world stay efficient? 

Sydney Finkelstein, a professor and faculty director at Dartmouth College’s Tuck Leadership Center, has the answer to that very question. The author of “Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent,” Finkelstein has spent decades coaching and studying executives like Ralph Lauren and J.Crew’s Mickey Drexler. This experience has yielded a wealth of knowledge that can help us all live our own personal success stories. Finkelstein gave us a list of specific tips for the path to greater efficiency that goes beyond simply using a daily planner and constructing meticulous to-do lists. 

Check out his sage advice below: 

1. Only go through your mail or emails once. Don’t save them — answer them right away. 

2. Block out time each day where you’re totally disconnected.Â