20 Easy Ways to Cut 500 Calories A Day

This article was written by Jordan Davison and provided by our partners at Prevention.

Losing weight demands some serious life changes. After all, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you take in to lose just one pound. But if you cut 500 calories a day, you can lose a pound a week—and it could be fairly painless.

“Calorie bargaining is all about making swaps and developing habits that are sustainable for the long-term rather than just depriving yourself,” says Charles Platkin, Ph.D., lecturer at Hunter College and City University of New York School of Public Health. “A simple swap that cuts 500 calories has a multiplier effect: If it’s something you eat three or four times a week, you cut at least 1,500 calories.” (Take back control of your eating—and lose weight in the process—with our 21-Day Challenge!)

To help guide you, we’ve put together 20 simple calorie-cutting tips to get you to your weight loss goal.