3 Awesome Yoga Classes You Can Take on Facebook Live (Yep, for Free!)

Check out these three yoga instructors that are bringing the zen straight to your pad—and learn how to rock a class from the comfort of your home. (Add Women’s Health’s Flat Belly Yoga DVD to your go-to routine, too!)  

1. Super Sister Fitness
Siblings Sara and Liz Germain found fitness after moving to California from Michigan. They decided that they wanted to inspire women who didn’t have access to the classes and gyms they had in Cali. After becoming certified trainers and yoga instructors, they created their company, Super Sisters Fitness, developed a Facebook page, and eventually started shooting Facebook Live workout videos.

Check them out:

RELATED: Prison Turned ‘Real Housewife’ Teresa Giudice into a True Yogi: Watch Her Moves

2. YogaLive Girl
A childhood leukemia survivor and certified yoga instructor, Hillary Thomas, 22, was drawn to yoga for the body benefits. Though she’s been in remission since she was 5, chemotherapy left her with just two-thirds of a pancreas and a very damaged liver. Her focus on healthy living motivated her to seek out yoga and eventually become certified. After graduating from Indiana State University with a degree in business and public health, she’s kicked off a series of Facebook Live yoga videos with serious soul.

See her in action:

3. Yoga With Me
Besides shooting live videos from her home, New Zealander Shirley McLeod takes her followers with her as she instructs classes in the studio. Pretty sweet, right? McLeod first started doing yoga to gain flexibility and squeeze in a workout from the comfort of an air-conditioned gym. One year later, she was officially a certified instructor. Bonus: Her accent is the bomb.

Get moving with her:

RELATED: 10 Things a Yoga Teacher Learns About You Within the First 5 Minutes of Class

How to Crush Your Class:
Liz Germain, one of the Super Sister Fitness gals, explains how to get the most out of your Facebook Live yoga sesh:

Watch first: If you’re newer to yoga, it’s important to watch the instructor perform the move before jumping into it, says Germain. Since the teacher can’t see you, you have to make sure that your form is correct to prevent injury and get the most benefits out of the each pose, she says.

Use Facebook Live for support: If you’re working towards a fitness goal or just dabbling in yoga for the first time, reach out to the Facebook community on the pages of the trainers and yoga instructors you follow for cheers along the way. “We love to directly connect with people who need encouragement and a support system,” says Germain.

Leave comments: “Sometimes when my sister and I are coming up with new ideas, we’ll check out what people liked most about our previous videos,” she says. Germain says she and her sister always make an effort to answer viewers’ questions about form or other issues they have while working out.

Make requests: Craving a hamstring stretch or a core strengthener? Speak up! “You might see a video addressing what you want help with,” says Germain.