3 Ways Highly-Sensitive People Can Feel Less Stress This Holiday Season

As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), I have always dreaded the holiday season. Shopping malls make me feel anxious, and I have often found myself sick over Christmas.

The holiday season should be one of joy, but the truth for many people is that it can be a time of stress. As a HSP I was taking on all the energy of people who felt this way!

Over the past few years I have become more aware of my sensitivity and what causes me to be affected by other people’s energy, and I now rarely getting the symptoms that plagued me for decades.

1. Stop trying to protect your energy or shield yourself

A common tip given to HSPs by energy healers and other HSP, is to “protect yourself” and “armor up.” You may have heard the term, “put yourself in a white light bubble,” or “zip yourself up.” This was a technique I had tried for over 20 years which did not work. In fact I was getting more sensitive to energy and the environment. My coach, Oren Harris, transformed the way I think about being a sensitive being and brought my awareness to the fact that this type of thought process actually attracts more of what I do not want. Think about it, everything is energy and the universal law of attraction states that like attracts like. So if your intention is to “protect” yourself, the signal that you are putting out to the universe is that you believe there are things out there that you need protection from.

Instead, focus on strengthening your powerhouse (your energy) and expanding your light so that the only thing that can come into your energy field is that which matches source energy. As my coach and teacher says, “Don’t focus on protecting the crops, focus on growing the crops and making them the healthiest, strongest crops out there!” Set your intention and focus on how you want to feel not what you want to avoid! This tiny shift in my thought process has resulted in me rarely being affected by people’s energy. I also have healed almost all my food sensitivities.

2. Identify why you are opened up to energy leaks.

Most energy leaks have more to do with disconnection from yourself, rather than being too “open” or sensitive. Muscle testing shows the impact of having negative thoughts and making choices out of fear. When you are not listening to your heart and soul and making choices out of fear or “people pleasing” you are more likely to leak energy and pick up other people’s. For example, if you are at a night club or party and you feel like you are being impacted negatively by the energy there, pay closer attention to your thoughts about being there. Perhaps you didn’t want to go or you wanted to leave an hour ago, or you are hanging out with friends that you don’t feel connected to. When you are going against what YOU want to do, you will leak energy. Staying in conversations for too long, taking care of others when your tank is half empty, doing things that don’t light you up are all energy leaks, not the actual environment. When you connect with the highest good for you and commit to honoring this, you will have less energy leaks.

3. Ground Yourself

This has also been an important aspect of my healing. As a HSP I spent too many years “out of body.” Many HSPs may relate to this expression. I have a gift of intuition so my higher chakras were very open but my lower chakras were weak. I also felt like I wanted to escape my body due to it’s sensitivities and ill health. This was a big energy leak for me. I was also caught up in quick fix at home Kundalini meditations that were opening up my higher chakras even further without working on my lower chakras. This was a recipe for disaster, as I soon picked up a lot of negative energy and was hit was depression and severe anxiety. Thanks to great teachers I learnt the importance of grounding my energy, working on all chakras for ultimate vitality and health and also how to really connect to my body. A few examples of ways you can ground your energy is through yoga, nature walks, dance, tantra and movement

Many sensitive beings can feel as though their sensitivity is a weakness and it is something that they have to manage. When you set the right intention and begin to work on strengthening your energy field, you can thrive as a highly sensitive person and your sensitivity can be your greatest gift.

Lyn Mac is the creator of Fit Soul Secrets where she teaches spirituality and holistic soul based health and fitness. To stay connected sign up for FREE weekly tips on living a soulful healthy life HERE. Or Follow on Facebook HERE.