3 Ways to Dial Up the Flavor on Your Usual Granola Snack

But if you’re a lover of all-things crunch, you know it’s damn good sprinkled on yogurt or as part of a trail mix—or even straight out of the bag. 

“Granola can totally be good for you,” says nutritionist and chef Jackie Newgent, R.D.N. “Look for a brand that has less than 10 grams of sugar and 3 grams or more of protein and fiber per 1/2 cup serving.” Newgent joined us on Snack Sesh to show us three healthy new ways to munch on granola that were anything but boring. 

Sweet-n-Salty Stuffed Grapes
Newgent’s first recipe makes granola feel straight-up sophisticated. We started by slicing large red globe grapes in half, and scooping out the seeds to make a cup shape in the grape. (You can do this with a paring knife.) We rolled goat cheese into small balls and placed the balls in our grape cups. Then, we rolled the goat cheese in a bowl of granola for a crunchy coating. Finally, we sprinkled with sea salt and pepper. 

Creamy, crunchy, sweet, and salty, these bite-sized snacks make an impressive party app. Yeah, you fancy. 

3-Layer Pineapple Cake
Okay, no buttercream frosting here. But the pineapple cake was just as much fun to eat without putting us in a sugar coma. First, we stacked three slices of pineapple, sprinkling granola between each layer as we went. We made our “frosting” by mixing a drizzle of honey and a splash of pure vanilla extract into plain Greek yogurt. We spread the naturally-sweetened yogurt over the pineapple slices, and then topped everything with sliced almonds and pomegranate seeds for extra crunch and color.  

Psh, who needs funfetti? 

Banana Split
The kid in us—and let’s be real, the adult, too—loves a banana split. It’s the ultimate dessert. We just gave it a more health-conscious makeover. We sliced a banana in half and set the halves on a dish. We then topped them with our yogurt “frosting” from the last recipe (Greek yogurt plus a drizzle of honey and a splash of pure vanilla extract). Finally, we added sliced strawberries, a few sprinkles of granola, and dark chocolate pieces. 

All of our favorite banana split flavors, plus the extra protein from the Greek yogurt, made this dessert crazy satisfying. 

If we’ve inspired you to take granola to a whole new level of crunchy goodness, post a photo on Twitter or Instagram and tag @womenshealthmag and #SnackSesh. And follow us on Twitter to tune into our next Snack Sesh!Â