4 Of The Most Commonly Recalled Foods (And How To Buy Them Safely)

  • Franny Anne/iStock/Thinkstock

    The Concern: Alfalfa, clover, radish and mung bean sprouts, which add crunch to salads and sandwiches, score well nutritionally. But in recent years, there have been at least 30 food-related illness outbreaks linked to raw and lightly cooked sprouts.

    Small Thing to Keep in Mind: If you enjoy sprouts in salads, buy only ones with fresh, clean, white stems and roots that have been kept properly refrigerated. Dr. Powell says the safest way to prepare sprouts is to cook them thoroughly before eating (so, stir-fries and pad Thai are fine). Douglas Powell, who blogs about food safety, says the best way to prepare sprouts is to cook them thoroughly before eating (so, stir-fries and pad Thai are fine).