5 Subtle Ways to Find Out If Your Partner Is Secretly a Freak in the Sheets

When it comes to sex, we all have something weird that gets us hot and bothered. Lucky for us, acting on that fetish is becoming the status quo.

Case in point: Roughly 20 percent of millennials engage in BDSM “every time” or “most of the time” when they get busy, according to a 2015 survey by SKYN condoms.

And with so many people opening up about their kinks, you might wonder if your guy is hiding a freak flag of his own.

“Your partner may think his sexual interests and preferences are out of the mainstream, and he may be keeping them to himself as a form of self-preservation,” says sexual health consultant Celeste Holbrook, Ph.D. “His fear is that when he tells you, you may have a negative reaction or think that he’ll want to do these particular moves every time you have sex.”

Fortunately, there are sneaky ways you can help to normalize his fear and increase the odds that he’ll open up to you about his particular brand of kink. Here’s how: