5 Ways to Use Witch Hazel for Perfect Skin

1. Remove Your Makeup
Yep, witch hazel can be used to take off your makeup, and it’s pretty darn effective at that. We like this recipe from Hello Glow, since it also uses a few other natural add-ons to really do the trick. A quicker option: Dickinson’s Original Witch Hazel Refreshingly Clean Cleansing Cloths ($5, amazon.com).

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2. Fight Grease
“I would suggest using [witch hazel] as a toner for those with normal to oily skin,” says Bank. Simply dab a few drops onto a cotton round and rub it over your face after you’ve cleansed. You can also try a product like Wildcraft Balance and Refresh Toner ($18, available from our e-tailer Rodale’s, shop.womenshealthmag.com), which contains aloe as well.

3. Prevent Razor Burn
Witch hazel’s anti-inflammatory properties might be a blessing for your bikini line. It works well at preventing bumps from forming around your hair follicles (and can help heal any you already have, too). Stock up on a big bottle of the stuff—like Thayer’s Unscented Witch Hazel ($8, amazon.com)—so you always have it on hand. (Get smoother, younger-looking skin by trying our Bone Broth Diet now!)

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4. Relieve a Sunburn
Obvi, you should always wear SPF, but we all miss a spot sometimes. For those (hopefully) rare occasions, witch hazel works wonders to ease sunburn pain, since it has some amazing soothing properties.

5. Calm Poison Ivy
Since witch hazel provides sunburn relief, it makes sense that it does the same for poison ivy, too. A little bit actually helps to reduce the itching and swelling from this irritating plant.