6 Calorie-Blasting Moves That’ll Make You A Better Runner

High-impact running + high-impact cross-training = too much impact, right? Actually, quite the opposite. The secret to becoming a faster, stronger runner and preventing common overuse injuries (shin splints, runner’s knee, IT band syndrome, the list goes on) is to add more explosive movements to your workout routine, says sports medicine physician Jordan Metzl, M.D., author of Dr. Jordan Metzl’s Workout Prescription. “Plyometric exercises involve powerful jumps to train your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which you need for speed,” he says. “Even better, they strengthen the muscles around your joints, so your joints will be more protected when you run.” Complete two sets of this circuit at least twice a week. Starting with the first exercise, perform the move for one minute, then begin the next with as little rest as possible.