6 Genius Ways To Make Your Office A Better Place

4. Have an empathetic mindset.

One of the best tools to foster a positive work environment is to cultivate compassion for each person you interact with while at work, according to Brown.

“I know it sounds a little kumbaya, but especially when you are feeling down about your job, it’s one of the best ways you can change your perspective,” she advised.

This works in situations where you might have a really difficult client. Brown suggests pondering questions like, “What is their boss asking of them?” By thinking about their needs and how you can meet them, you can shift from a reactive to an empowered mindset at your job.

5. Pack a lunch you enjoy. 

Chowing down on a sad desk salad by your computer screen really is quite, well, sad if you don’t actually want to eat it.

“Bringing a lunch you look forward to … also helps if you are really, really busy at work,” Brown said. “If you don’t have time to pick something up, you’re going to start eating what’s lying around at the office.” That could be the vending machine, scraps from a meeting… you know how it goes.

Set aside time each evening to pack a meal you’re thrilled about, such as last night’s leftovers or these delicious stuffed pita pockets. And, if you can, try to steal some time for a true lunch break. There is no shortage to the health benefits of actually stepping away from your monitor for a bit. (For example, when you stop what you’re doing to eat, you may actually consume less food.)