6 Natural Remedies for Heartburn Relief

Natural Remedy for Heartburn #1: Slow down. Annie B. Kay, R.D., a nutritionist, yoga therapist, and author of Every Bite is Divine notes, “Heartburn or reflux is often the result of eating too much rich food too quickly. I have seen hundreds of clients for this malady who have never been told simply to slow down and chew their food (which straightens out the majority of cases).” Being present for our selves, our meals, and the company with whom we eat, can positively impact digestion and even promote a greater sense of enjoyment with meals. “An ounce of prevention is the best medicine. If you get heartburn regularly, practice slowing down (it should take at least 20 minutes for a meal); chew your food (get into double digits with chews per bite),” says Kay. Also, don’t eat close to bedtime. Lying down after eating is a sure way to get the acids brewing and bubbling.