6 Things You Can Do Right Now to Protect Your Reproductive Rights

1. Donate to causes that support women’s rights and human rights.
Aside from Planned Parenthood, there are tons of causes that support women’s access to affordable health care and reproductive rights. If you’re pro-choice, NARAL Pro-Choice America is a non-profit group of men and women that’s been around since before Roe v. Wade. As an organization with a long history of fighting for a woman’s right to choose, they’re particularly geared up for this fight. You can donate to NARAL here.

If you’re looking for a cause that’s a bit broader, the other HRC, a.k.a. the Human Rights Campaign, also works to support equality for all—regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation. You can donate to HRC here. Similarly, the American Civil Liberties Union works to support free speech, voting rights, and reproductive rights. Donate to the ACLU here.

RELATED: Here’s What a Future Without Planned Parenthood Might Look Like

2. Volunteer for the RAINN sexual violence and assault hotline.
Given that President-elect Donald Trump has been accused of both sexual harassment and assault (read more about the allegations against him here), volunteering for the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network seems particularly salient. The nationwide organization stands for a bevy of anti-sexual violence causes and their hotlines are always in need of trained volunteers. You can find a local center and volunteer needs here.

3. Call Mike Pence.
Earlier this year, women started calling the office of Vice President-elect Mike Pence to tell him all about their monthly menstruation. Why? Pence has a history of fighting against women’s reproductive rights (read more about the man who will be calling the shots on your body here). Periods for Pence was started as a way for women to stand up for their own bodies. You can read more about the movement here. You can call the Indiana governor’s office at 317-232-4567 or send him an email using this form. 

RELATED: 8 Things You Need to Know About Mike Pence

4. Join a rally.
In the wake of the election upset, thousands of protesters are taking to the streets in cities across America. To find a rally that specifically supports women’s rights, start with the National Organization for Women, the largest organization of grassroots feminist activities in America. In addition to direct donations, you can also get involved on the ground. Check out their Facebook page to get news on events going on near you.

5. Become an abortion clinic escort.
If you’re particularly passionate about a woman’s right to choose, you can volunteer to be an escort at a local abortion clinic to help women feel safe and non-threated by anti-choice protesters. You can contact your local health care clinic or Planned Parenthood directly to find out their volunteer needs, or you can join PP’s larger Clinic Defender program. As a clinic defender, you will help protect patients’ safety by calling national attention to local clinic issues via social media and volunteer action.

RELATED: This Is What a Future Without Legal Abortions Would Look Like

6. Help women seeking health care do so safely.
If you live in California, another way you can donate your time is by volunteering with ACCESS, an organization that helps women seeking abortions do so safely. In California, abortion clinics are relatively easy to access, and as such, many women travel from out of state to receive treatment there. ACCESS organizes volunteers to help provide transportation, child care, and even a place to stay for women in need.