6 What-the-Eff Products Marketed Toward Pregnant Women

When you think of pregnancy goodies, you probably think of adorable things you’d find at a baby shower—teeny-tiny clothes, sweet knickknacks, diaper-related swag. And while all things helpful and cute may take up the bulk of the baby market, there are some pretty “say what?”-inducing products for the expectant mother out there, too. Would a bun in the oven make you covet any of these?

1. A 3-D Printed Statue of Your Baby

For a few hundred bucks, some companies like 3D Babies will use 4-D ultrasound technology to create “an adorable baby figurine resembling your baby’s facial features and body position” that can serve as “a treasured family remembrance of your pregnancy.” You know, one besides your actual baby. 

2. Blinged-Out Bump Casts

These bump casts—which can be customized with hand painting or copper casting—will run you up to $9,000. 

3. Bump Designs

For $80 an hour, you can get everything from a bright colorful sunburst to a replica of your ultrasound painted on your burgeoning belly.

4. Designer Barf Bags

Stock up on Morning Chicness bags (only $12.95 for a pack of 20!) so you can…puke in style?

5. Placenta and Breast Milk Jewelry 

You can get personalized jewelry made from your placenta and your breast milk for as little as $69.

6. Fetus Sushi

Thankfully, we don’t mean there’s a Raw Fetus Roll out there somewhere. This fetus art by Takayo Kiyota is not mass-produced, so maybe no one is trying to get pregnant women to dole out cash for it. But still: Fetus. Sushi.

More From Women’s Health: 
Your Baby Registry Checklist
The Truth About Pregnancy and Your Emotions
The Right Time to Have a Baby