6 Women Share the Easy Meal-Prep Tricks That Helped Them Lose Weight

It’s no coincidence that tons of women who’ve lost weight will tell you that meal prepping is clutch for dropping pounds without going hungry.

And nutritionists agree that plotting your healthy meals ahead of time can keep you from reaching for something easy, like takeout or that frozen pizza in the back of your freezer.

“I recommend prepping ingredients, such as cut veggies and fruit for snacking, as well as meals that can easily be heated or defrosted,” says Amy Gorin, R.D.N, owner of Gorin Nutrition in Jersey City. “If you see these options when you open the fridge or freezer, you may be more likely to choose them over more caloric choices”

RELATED: 7 Foods I Prep Each Week to Make Sure I Eat as Healthy as Possible

But, as it turns out, there’s a hell of a lot more to prepping a fridge full of yummy weight-loss fuel than putting some fruits and veggies in a jar.

To find out real women’s meal-prepping secrets, we ask women who successfully lost weight by planning ahead. Check out their tips.