7 Amazing Super Foods You Need to Know About

5. Hemp food products come in the form of seeds, protein powders and milk. They come from the Cannabis sativa plant (17). Yes, it’s the same plant that marijuana is from, but not the THC part of the plant. So no worries about getting high on these products! My favorite hemp product is Living Harvest Tempt hemp milk, containing a beneficial three-to-one ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids. Other nutrients include magnesium, beta-carotene, calcium, fiber, iron, niacin and potassium (18). Hemp milk tastes amazing and has a creamier consistency than fat-free cows milk or almond milk. I like the the Tempt Unsweetened Hemp Milk by Living Harvest™ because it combines coconut cream and hemp milk. With a serving size of one cup, you’ll receive 30% of your recommended daily value of calcium and 25% of B12. Try drinking it on it’s own, use in a smoothie or to replace cow or soy milk in your cappuccinos! Hemp protein a great choice if you are vegan and use as a replacement for soy–its more digestible than soy protein and does not contain complex sugars (19).