7 Everyday Items That Are Harboring Germs

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    When it comes to harboring harmful microbes, kitchens are worse than bathrooms, say experts. And though the sponge and sink take top prize for prime bacteria breeding grounds, the reservoir of a coffee maker isn’t that far behind, according to a study from NSF International, a nonprofit health and safety organization based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. No wonder: It’s dark and damp and rarely, if ever, cleaned, making it the perfect place for bacteria, mold, and mildew to grow. Other hot spots include the refrigerator handle, stove knobs, and cabinet handles—all the places you touch after touching raw meats and produce.

    Germ-buster: The NSF recommends putting up to four cups of vinegar in the coffeemaker reservoir, letting it stand for 30 minutes, then running the vinegar through the unit. Follow up with two or three cycles of water to get rid of the smell. And do this monthly. As for other surfaces, spray them with a bleach solution (one part bleach to nine parts water), and then wipe them down.