7 Grammy-Nominated Singers Share How They REALLY Feel About Working Out

Rihanna’s take-no-sh*t attitude is something we could all use more of in 2017—especially when it comes to meeting our health goals. “You have to just accept your body,” she said in an interview with Vogue. “You may not love it all the way, but you just have to be comfortable with it.” Of course, having a killer trainer doesn’t hurt. RiRi’s on-call trainer Ary Nuñez—who loves blasting Riri’s abs with a circuit of situps, planks and Roman rotators—told Shape, “Rihanna is so connected to her body. She used to work out because it was part of her responsibility, but now she works out because she loves it!”

Trying to get flat abs? If you’ve got a dumbbell on hand, you can do some of these moves: