7 Reasons Why You Need to Create a Vision Board in 2016

Make 2016 the year of goal creation and accomplishment. Creating a vision board will give you a clear picture of what is important to you and, will define for you what your goal actually looks like. Vision boards are easy to complete with just a few materials. You will need magazines (as many as you like, whatever type you like), scissors, tape or glue, and a base to lay you pictures. Small boards can be done on construction paper, larger ones can be completed on a poster board, or use a large cardboard box for greater stability. If you are still unsure how a vision board can help you accomplish your goals, here are seven reasons why you need one in 2016.

1. You always set new goals but have a huge lack of actual follow through
If you frequently set goals but never accomplish them then you need a vision board. You may be setting a new financial goal, weight loss goal, or career goal for 2016. How motivated are you to start acting so you can actually accomplish that goal? Any goal that you create should inspire you to move forward. Now that you have thought about it, take time to visualize the end result. If you do not visualize your goal, it will quickly become a distant memory. A vison board is a personal reminder of your goals. If you see it, you know it actually exists. I suggest looking at your vision board every morning before you start your day, so you can start off the day inspired. Make 2016 the year that goals go from a dream to reality that you are living on a daily basis.

2. You have no idea how or where to start in order to make your goal a reality
Goals are only accomplished if they are fully understood by you, they are in line with what motivates you, and if you know what accomplishing your goal looks like to you. Ask yourself, what will my life look like once I have reached my goal, and how will I be different? Once you have answered those questions, you will then be ready to create your own personal goal map. Your vision board is your goal map. Vision boards are great because it is completely up to you to create it exactly how you want it. Take the road less traveled by as much as you like. You are in full control, so prepare yourself to take full responsibility for where your map leads you. Make sure you take time to think about what goals you have, and the reasons why you chose those goals. Try meditation to help calm your mind, and start your path with a clear vision for accomplishment.

3. You are comfortable with only “wanting” something so you continue to tell yourself that will never happen for me.
Make 2016 your year to start being comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Have you ever heard the saying, “life starts at the end of your comfort zone”? Well that is very true. Life does not happen in the realm of comfort. If you want something, you have to go get it, and more importantly you have to work for it. Change your internal dialogue and tell yourself, “I want this, and It will happen for me”. Find pictures that represent what you want. No matter if it is a nice home, new career, or a dream vacation, find something that will remind you of that daily and add it to your board.

4. You have trouble organizing the ideas in your head
If you mind is cluttered with ideas don’t worry, put them all on the board. Leaving thoughts purely in your mind without getting them out on paper can lead to overwhelm, lack of motivation, or even depression. Once you see everything laid out on a vision board, no matter how random, or disconnected they may be, it will all start to make sense to you. Some ideas you will want to trash, and other ideas will become a priority. Prioritize your vision board with the goals that you want to accomplish immediately, and fill in spaces with the additional goals so they can still be represented on your board. Focus on smaller goals after your priority goals have been met.

5. You constantly feel defeated by negative people in your life
Negativity is a huge barrier to accomplishing any goal. If you allow people to taint your path with negative comments and actions, you will never reach your goal. You cannot change the actions and words of others, but you can change your own actions and your own words. I recommend not only putting positive pictures on your vision board, but also pasting positive affirmations to your board. Positive affirmations enhance your positive self talk and serve as a reminder as to why you chose your path. Positive affirmations will keep you motivated to keep going, when everything around you is telling you to quit.

6. You have tried just keeping a list of your goals but continue to struggle to accomplish them
Writing down your goals is great. Making a list of what is important for your life is a great way to prioritize your goals, and may help get you started. But how often do you go back to look at that list? Are you able to visualize the items on your list? Vision boards help you take your list and put it into action. When you review your board, you not only have a list, but you have actual pictures associated with the words on that list. You visualize what your goals actually look like for you, and you are more likely to continue your daily action steps toward reaching your goal.

7. It’s a New Year and you just want to do something that is different from what you did in 2015.
Leave the bad habits of 2015 in 2015. More of the same with no results is not the way to start a new year. Make 2016 your year and own it. If you have never tried a vision board before, why not make 2016 the year that you complete your first board.

A vision board is a continuous working document, just because you complete it does not mean that you can’t change it, or even start over with a new one. Your 2016 board, may change in 2017, and that is perfectly acceptable. It is your board, you are constantly growing and changing so allow your board to grow and change with you.