7 Steps to Unlock Your Secrets

woman in secret photo

How many secrets do you have trapped inside of you?

Secrets about past abuse. Secrets about known abuse. Secrets about current abuse.

Secrets attract shame.

Shame attracts silence. Silence is the killer of radical aliveness.

Secrets require lies to keep the information hidden so nobody will ever know the “disgraceful” and “shameful” experiences you had.

Secrets also become lies you tell yourself like how you’re defective, damaged and deserve to be treated as such. Your secrets become so defended and protected that you begin to believe you are your secrets and are only safe if you keep your secrets locked away.

And the truth is, all those unspoken secrets are trapped inside of you and keep your body locked in disharmony.

Secrets keep you:

  • Separate
  • Isolated
  • In judgment
  • Trapped in the cage of abuse
  • Deadended (that part of you that’s holding the secret gets all constricted – no life can flow in there)

So what can you do to unlock the secrets from your body? And how can you use these secrets – rather than as fuel for your destruction – as fuel for your liberation?

What you must do is give your secrets a voice: when you end the silence you begin to dissolve the shame that has locked you up till now.

 Here are 7 Steps to Unlock Your Secrets

Step 1: Set aside time to sit quietly in a distraction free safe space.

Step 2: Ask the question, “What secrets are ready to be spoken?”

Step 3: Notice the energy you sense in your body.

Step 4: Put your hand on the part of your body that calls for your attention.

Step 5: Ask this energy and your body, “What do you wish to say?”

Step 6: Allow yourself to hear what wants to be shared.

Step 7: Express gratitude for your body’s courage to reveal these secrets.

Please be patient with yourself as you move through these 7 steps. Your secrets may come to you in words, sensations, awarenesses. Trust your own body’s wisdom.

The key here is to NOT go into judgment. No matter what. If you don’t hear or sense or become aware of something return to this exercise on a daily basis. The more you show your body you are listening, the more trust you will build and the more your body will begin to speak to you. As you release the secrets, you may discover more movement, more space and more harmony with your body.

If you’d like to hear more on this topic, you can check out the archives of Dr. Lisa’s radio show from March 3rd 2015: Beyond Abuse, Beyond Therapy, Beyond Anything.

Be You. Beyond Anything. Create Magic.

You can find more information from Dr. Lisa Cooney on her site DrLisaCooney.com or find her on Facebook or Twitter @DrLisaCooney!



Photos by ** RCB **,